Just this, blanking away to nothing
Maybe when it's warm we could sleep out in the woods
close my eyes, stand by the backdoor, smell the smoke
I know how this ends, shut my eyelids, love the village
sleep in the woods, no matter what, feel the smoke drift
let me go, look at people walk to work, the sky together
lift my head, see the moon, a couple bees feed out back
when all I am belongs to you, second skin, wait for rain
pull the strings, shut my eyes, feel it slip, make it better
stay all day, feel the water, forward back, I won't forget
close my eyes, see the moon, all the stars, orchid mirror
look round each corner, call this home, see how it goes
cross the river, wait for dawn, mix it up, don't let me go
walk past my window, the taste of air, not through time
swim in blue sky, take our dreams out, pull the curtains
describe each moment, close my eyes, don't sleep alone
feel it slip, I know how this ends, reach through the gap
just this, blanking away to nothing
Mid Park
In the middle of the park
free from car fumes
on a bench
near a flower bed
I saw you
from the train
Outer London
alone with pushchair and baby
you centre
in green no sky
Yes, the train goes backwards
not through time
not strictly
but more related to liberty physical
– an excursion
but now it's late
& I'm not sure what to do
I don't know what is real
& when it might have been
The driver says
let it work through
don't be so hard on yourself