Friday is Bothered Day

Bothered by over-reliance on equal temperament
All this hammering into shape
All this doh ray me me me            phew-ee

Like taking a day to tune the guitar
Fingers sore, can't sing
Tired of imitation, connection broken

Like trying to write clearly with a broken pencil
Remember the one we shared?
a bridge between us
You had the pointy tip
I had the blunt end            with the eraser
Remember that old film
when the guy in the tepee
takes an arrow            and breaks it?

Like trying to write in real colour
without conforming to black notes
and white notes
Those keys            little coffins

Like making the effort to see clearly
Your eyes
ripped clear of scales
I love
See below surface
See through charade

Like when you spend too long
looking in the mirror
Broken mirror
Forcing pieces            someone else's pattern

What do you see outside?
What do you hear outside?
The Sound of Music?
The King and I?
I am not a note            major or minor
with adjusted intonation

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