War Deflection

During the war1 we used deflection
misdirection and misinformation
even amongst friends2 and allies
– like a game3
– who'd be the first to crack
– confess they were lost
– the enemy didn't stand a chance4

Now, war is over5
we use what ways we can6
to talk7 about what's in mind8
and how we feel9
maybe take the poetic route10
– not a legal document

Remember when I said
I guess he loves you11
Well, I'm on the sidelines, watching
wishing we could share coffee
wishing I was dead12

1 it doesn't have to be war
2 and you are a good friend
3 I guess some manoeuvring is going on
4 cue music, taking a chance…
5 if you want it
6 is there any easy way to really pin down feelings
7 talk? or type?
8 in mind – imagination – poetry – fantasy – improbability
9 etc
10 way
11 don't we all
12 if I ain't dead already, you know the reason why1

{ the first ‘superscript poem' I ever saw was by Colin Lewis
when we were on a course together at Lancs Uni – all credit to him }

1 John Lennon – Yer Blues

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