You need miles of nothing to get into romance
and a stone circle, thousands of years old

You wake at dawn to meadows and hedgerows
and the memory of sunset before sleep

Your thoughts are old pictures, Neolithic, Bronze Age
and your heart is warm within the mystery

~ ~ ~

Getting Closer 2

Chatter, clatter, banter, bowls
spoons, plates, forks, knives
data, tinged with ultra-violet fragrance
tables, waxed with thick, sticky history

Tonight we imitate future parents
let ritual nurture goodwill
let the unconscious possess us

We stumble, trudge
through a porridge of blundering self-guidance
not aware of our selves or each other
yet, it all fits exactly

~ ~ ~

You dance like a dream
rock in my sugar
cup drunk as cat
lick milk on my
lap twist this
spin this turn
on this

~ ~ ~