
I want to run home
lapsing in and out
like I'd been got by a gang
and now I'm fleeing
they're after me
throw myself
onto my bed
let judders of hard waves
beat me down
into mud, anywhere I can find escape
just wake when over
no need to stand, live through this
I could choke with that wet soil in my throat
or just slip myself away
or maybe they will crash down the door
vent their merciless cruelty
I can't remember how to play
but I shuffle the pack regardless

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When a bird flies into the kitchen
coal tits and great tits being the most common offenders
you have to get calmer than the calmest calm
if you want to pick it up and escort it outside
If you go flapping about in a panic
then bird will get scared
fly around battily
it's little heart
will explode
be careful

Funny though
once you've got them safe in your cupped hands
how they go all coo coo
snuggle up to your fingers

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