I was overjoyed
I ran uphill
the wind full-frontal

I had to stop
couldn't breathe
as if I couldn't stand
in love

like I belonged
back in my bedsit
with my guitar
and abandoned projects
and my coin-in-the-slot
gas cooker

~ ~ ~

Dimly Conscious

When I was kid
someone said I ought to keep the kennel
in the house for a few weeks
before putting it in the garden
get the puppy used to it

I loved Patch, fun and friendly
Sometimes I'd get in the kennel with him
but one day the builders came round
and I was too scared to crawl out

They ripped wood panelling from walls
chucked it anywhere
smashed down the ceiling
hacked off plaster down to brick
demolished the whole house

I'm living on dog biscuits and water

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