
In this carriage we hail
each other with diseases
We glance like friends
down the aisle, over seat backs
between gaps and reflections
We don't hide, or speak in secret
We dress in Bacofoil
let humour crinkle our thoughts

I dial through phrases of conversation
shuffle cramps from left to right
clunk my knees on plastic angles
try to wiggle my toes

Same old view / different weather...
today is snow and absent leaves
the low-band draught has claimed my ankles
my tickover chills to sitting rate
blurs my fingerprints

The conductor clips my ticket
says brilliant
moves on

~ ~ ~

North Coast

You could hitchhike then
and I landed up on the beach in Hayle
with a can of beer
and the urge to swim
out and out
forgetting I'd have to swim back

Another urge
persuaded me not to drown
not in the sea

~ ~ ~